Pot Profiteer Blog

The 3 Best Wireless Charging Stocks to Buy Now

The 3 Best Wireless Charging Stocks to Buy Now

Wireless charging tech is set to have an outsized impact on many industries. With the technology gaining importance in the various fields of consumer electronics, automotive, and more, the best wireless charging stocks are...

The Court Fools Itself

The Trumpist justices on the Supreme Court had a very serious problem: They needed to keep their guy out of prison for trying to overthrow the government. The right-wing justices had to do this...

Apple may release foldable iPhone as soon as 2026: report

Apple may release foldable iPhone as soon as 2026: report

Apple is working on a foldable iPhone model that could be released as soon as 2026, according to a report.  The California-based tech company valued at $3.46 trillion   contacted suppliers in Asia to...

Kamala Harriss White-Boy Summer

Maybe youve seen the joke permeating the internet this week, as Vice President Kamala Harris begins her 100-day campaign for president. In one variation on X Sunday, someone wrote Kamalas VP options above a...

Were building nuclear spaceships againthis time for real

nuclear thermal rockets — Were building nuclear spaceships againthis time for real The military and NASA seem serious about building demonstration hardware. Jacek Krywko – Jul 22, 2024 11:00 am UTC Enlarge / Artist...

Biden’s Out. Harris Is In. Everyone Else Is Screwed.

https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/chrt.fm/track/35917C/d2h6a3ly6ooodw.cloudfront.net/reasontv_audio_8290268.mp3 1x 1.1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 3x :15 :15 Download Biden’s Out. Harris Is In. Everyone Else Is Screwed. In this week’s The Reason Roundtable, editors Matt Welch, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, and Peter...

3 REITs to Buy for Retirement: July 2024

3 REITs to Buy for Retirement: July 2024

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) represent one of the best ways to get exposure to investing in real estate without having to take on the risks and capital expenditures of purchasing your own property....

3 Quantum Computing Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition

3 Quantum Computing Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition

Quantum computing is a burgeoning field in advanced computation technology that has the capabilities to outpace the computing prowess of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Generative AI came into the spotlight early last year with...